Why is it important for followers of Jesus to learn about the Passover Seder?
Those of us who are living in the present-day western world (or are taught by those from the western world) do not understand those rituals and cultural customs of that day and will not unless they are taught to us. Most Evangelicals in America fail to reckon with the reality that “The Bible is a Jewish book, written by Jews, to Jews and primarily for Jews.” This is why the Bible writers and especially the writers of the Gospels omitted the details of the rituals because they were common knowledge to the Jews of the first century and today. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, are filled with “assumptions.” The writers simply did not state what was obvious to the audience and recipients of their writings.
The Passover was a memorial. It was given by God as an object lesson, illustration, or ordinance instituted to remind Israel of God’s miraculous redemption and deliverance from the bondage of Egyptian slavery. The “Lord’s Supper” that Christians observe today is the same, a memorial. It is an object lesson, illustration or ordinance given to remind believers that the Lord Jesus has redeemed us and delivered us from the bondage of sin and the slavery it brings to the human heart. It reminds believers that God is faithful. God will fulfill His promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and, that through Messiah, the people called Israel would be a light and blessing to all the earth.