“On the Way” 365 Bible Reading Plan 2025 – October

Join me on a 365-Day Reading Plan, reading just one chapter from the Bible each day for 365 days. One Key Chapter each day. Get your family and friends to join you. There is a short downloadable commentary on each chapter, plus prayer and action steps, and a guide to deeper understanding included for each day. If you prefer the materials in a Bible-sized monthly booklet, for a monthly gift of any amount you can request these in a booklet form. Beginning January 1, the daily “On the Way” podcast will support each day’s reading.

For a gift of any size, you can order a printed study guide in booklet form, sized for use with your Bible (8.5 x 5.5). You can set up monthly recurring donations and receive monthly booklets in a timely fashion.


Give a one-time gift of $150, and regularly receive a monthly study guide over the course of twelve months, prior to the beginning of each month; simply enter your one-time gift.

Click below to enter the amount of your gift. Be sure to include all contact information for shipments, including a phone number and email address when entering your donation.

If you are giving a gift subscription for someone else, please enter your contact information, but ADD A MESSAGE: THIS IS A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION FOR: list their name and mailing address. If you wish this to be an anonymous gift, check “I want to donate anonymously.”