On The Way Podcast

There have already been over 53,000 downloads of On the Way Podcasts. These podcasts can be heard daily, Monday – Friday. Up to podcast number 370, the information emphasizes Biblical Places, People, and Prophecies and answers questions from listeners.  Once it is made live, it is archived and available anytime. Beginning with Podcast 371 and following, the information will support his study through the scriptures over the course of 2022.

On The Way Podcast

This year, as means to help more people return to time with the Lord each day through His word, Dr. Crisp has chosen 365 key chapters of the Bible to read, one per day, and invites you to join him!  Resources can be downloaded at tonycrisp.org by selecting DAILY READING. Each daily podcast will enrich your Daily Study in the word with information and commentary about the passage. The podcasts are 5 – 20 minutes in length and can be listened to at any time through the Podcast tab on his site.

  • Published Daily


  • Duration

    5-20 Minutes